What Is Computer Learning?

By Toma Bonev

Computers have become an essential component of modern life and possessing knowledge & skills related to them is important. One effective way of developing these abilities is through taking a course. But, what is computer learning?

Computer learning is an educational approach that uses computers to present material and evaluate student progress and encompasses various methods and software programs.

Computer Based Training (CBT)

Computer Based Training (CBT) refers to any instructor-less educational process where learners interact with learning material on a computer. CBT takes many forms, from multimedia-enhanced textbooks and tutorials, through practice drills and practice games to microworld simulations where students can put into action skills they’ve acquired in realistic settings.

These programs, whether used alone or combined with traditional teaching methods, are widely employed by various organizations to streamline and make more efficient their training processes. Not only can these types of programs save organizations time and effort in training their employees more effectively but they can also offer tangible evidence as to whether their employees are learning what is required of them to complete their jobs successfully.

Some may see computer-based training as lacking social interaction; however, it should be remembered that computer-based education can be an invaluable asset when combined with traditional forms. One great benefit of using computer-based learning is that it’s available 24/7 – meaning your schedule won’t have to be coordinated or find space large enough for classes!

Multimedia Presentations

Multimedia presentations are an effective way of conveying complex ideas in a visually engaging format, making lessons, presentations, and pitches more captivating. Multimedia presentations can also teach new skills like computer programming or foreign languages to students. Multimedia presentations can be created using tools like PowerPoint as well as more contemporary interactive ones such as Visme.

Planning ahead when creating a multimedia presentation is key for keeping audiences engaged, as this ensures slides are in an orderly manner and all multimedia elements function as intended. Testing on different devices to verify all elements are functioning appropriately is also vital – too many animations or transitions could prove to distract your viewers and should be avoided at all costs!

Once you have an outline for your multimedia presentation, it is time to plan and design the slides. This process may take some time, so take care in planning each step and using tools that allow for the quick addition of images, video clips, and audio that ensure your presentation looks polished and professional.

Online Education & Research

The online education sector, an expansive field that encompasses MOOCs, virtual office hours, and individual classes for students of all ages, is expanding at an astounding pace. Technology has revolutionized every industry but some educators remain uncertain whether online instruction can produce learning results as effectively as traditional in-person instruction.

Though researchers remain concerned, research continues to demonstrate how students benefit from distance learning in different ways. According to studies like those published in the Journal of Neuroscience, computerized educational content activates similar areas of the brain as in-person instruction; other research indicates asynchronous online courses provide greater student engagement and achievement than synchronous ones.

Computer learning comes in many forms, from multimedia-enhanced textbooks and practice drills to micro-world simulations and virtual worlds. Students interact with this material using software known as a learning management system. Some learning management systems take an instructional approach similar to traditional classroom teaching while others reward progressing students through modules and quizzes by awarding badges, giving them more freedom when progressing ahead.

Some schools also use in-person orientations, workshops, labs, and networking sessions to give their students a more connected experience with instructors and classmates. Studies of dental [41], medical [/42], and nursing education have demonstrated how these in-person activities can enhance the quality of online learning.

Access to the Internet

Students, from kindergarten through college, now access courses online to take courses taught by virtual instructors. Colleges were initially the pioneers in offering distance learning programs but public schools are also now offering some classes remotely; some even use virtual tutoring programs to assist struggling learners stay on course.

Computer technology has had an amazing effect on how people learn. For example, it enables professors at universities to prepare electronic presentations about their lectures for their students easily delivered on multimedia (sight and sound) projectors in classrooms – saving both time and effort for educators.

Online learning presents some unique challenges. Digital literacy levels among the global population remain quite low – it may be possible to log onto a website, but having the expertise and skillset needed for using it effectively remains another matter entirely.

Issues surrounding digital literacy are especially pronounced in developing nations, where many lack affordable and reliable Internet connectivity (World Economic Forum 2016). Indeed, four billion people around the globe lack internet access (NGO Monitor and World Economic Forum, 2016). Many NGOs and business organizations have taken on improving digital literacy – SAP SE has joined with education and youth development organizations in 30 African nations to enhance young people’s digital capabilities through partnerships between education institutions and youth development organizations.