Top 5 Anticipated Game Of 2016

By Dzhingarov

The year 2016 looks like a great one for the video game industry since it is expected that close to $100 billion will come in revenues thanks to the expected 2.15 billion gamers that will exist. There are various different free to play games, mobile games and even eSports titles that will receive most of the money but there are many large companies that will invest in the industry. There will be many great games that will be launched in the year 2016, with the following ones being the most anticipated.

Horizon: Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn

Sony will surely have the strongest PS4 lineup in 2014, with Guerilla Games launching the first game since the original 2004 Killzone. This Horizon: Zero Dawn is an RPG game that is set in the future, in an Earth that is overrun by mechanical dinosaurs. The gamer will be Aloy, a female hunter that will roam in an open world environment, making this quite different than all the other options available at the moment. The game will be original and many specialists believe that it will help Sony to sell hardware including PS4.

The Legend Of Zelda

The Legend Of Zelda

Although we do not know too much about the nineteenth game in this Nintendo series, we are referring to one of the best RPG games ever made. While this is a game that should attract brand new players for Wii U, we still have a game that will surely be available on other platforms. The original launch was set for the year 2015 but it was postponed.

What is interesting with The Legend Of Zelda is that it will come to the table with the largest ever fantasy overworld that was ever designed. The gamers can easily explore everything, allowing for days of great fun. As expected, a focus will be put on fighting enemies in towns and dungeons.

Crackdown 3

Crackdown 3

Microsoft’s giant for the Xbox One will be offered by Grand Theft Auto’s Dave Jones. We are referring to an open world sci fi action game that will put the gamer in full control of a pretty interesting agent that is enforcing the law. The setting is a metropolis that is filled with criminals, crime lords and skyscrapers. We see Crackdown 3 as the first game in this series that offers online multiplayer in a virtual sandbox. Everything is done in order to showcase the Azure cloud technology. This is what makes it possible to create a massive city destruction.

Mafia 3

Mafia 3

There will be no GTA launched in 2016 but the continuation of the Mafia franchise will surely be a huge hit. Players will be able to play in an open world that is crime filled, with the setting being 1968’s New Orleans. The main focus is put on Lincoln Clay, an African American veteran of the Vietnam War. The story features revenge, allowing the character to fight many rival gangs, all with the help of lieutenants. The game’s soundtrack is filled with sixties tracks and the city that you will experience is really fresh. You will end up creating a full criminal empire filled with stealth takedowns, brutal interrogations and so much more.

No Man’s Sky

No Man’s Sky

No Man’s Sky has been anticipated for 2 years now and it looks like 2016 will be the year when waits are over. There was huge interest in the game ever since the 2014 announcement since we basically talk about the largest game ever created. The game has a sci fi theme and offers a literally endless space exploration universe. We are talking about the possibility to explore 18 quintillion planets. We have a lot of game customization as a player can upgrade and buy ships and equipment for the character. Game play will vary from competitive play to single player, creating something that is truly special.