Document management software is a computer program used to get, maintain, store and track documents and thus reduce paper. These programs are used mainly for professional purposes, for storing business documents, in the form of spreadsheets or in the form of electronic documents. Most of these types of programs are available in various formats, to suit different file formats. Some of them also come with features that allow users to share their documents with other users over the Internet. Such programs are mostly used in the office environment as well as in personal computing.

Online document management software plays an important role in the process of organization and collaboration. With the help of this software, you can create a virtual desktop for any document easily. You can check all the versions of any document stored in the system and retrieve them as required by you. If there is any change in the document that you are looking for, then you can update your virtual desktop. Similarly, if you find any missing or misplaced document, then you can easily find and restore it from its location.
Advanced document management software also allows users to digitize their documents. This feature allows users to transfer the content of a printed document to the computer’s hard drive and access it later. This feature is mostly used in the field of business.
Another great advantage of using such a system is document management software’s ability to create a workflow. With the help of a good workflow, you can make the most of your storage capacity and increase efficiency at the workplace. There are various document retrieval workflow systems in the market and one of them are Document Repository System or DRS. This type of workflow allows the user to browse through the files stored in a particular system and then select those documents that are required for a work flow. The selected documents are then scanned and indexed so that they can be retrieved during a certain time in the future.
There are many document management systems that digitize the content of scanned documents so that they can be accessed by several users at the same time. A Document Retrieval Workflow is one of them. This type of workflow usually indexes and scans the scanned documents so that you can use the computer’s hard drive or other storage device to save the selected documents for a later date. Such systems work well with the Document Capture software and the Document Management Software.
Document Management Software for midsize businesses serves their clients with different types of storage and collaboration tools. The collaboration tools include Online Storage, Activity Streams, Collaborative Supplement and the Electronic Document Exchange. The Online Storage allows users to set up a secure container such as the digital lock and password users can have to access the document management software’s content. Activity Streams lets users group together documents for a particular group task, group discussions and even allow collaboration with other outside computers.
The Electronic Document Exchange works like an online version of a locker. When a new document is added, the old documents in the “locker” are moved to the “exchange” and a list of approved changes are sent to all authorized users. Approval of changes occurs only when all the required signatories to approve the changes. The Activity Streams workflow is another type of workflow in document management systems. It divides tasks into small pieces and disseminates the work as needed.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a way to quickly and accurately recognize and identify the characters of text, images and other multi-media files. Companies that need the best document management software for their organization should consider an OCR scanning system. Optical Character Recognition is commonly used in industrial, medical and other document imaging applications such as drug manufacture and preparation, medical transcription, publishing and information technology.